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Starting my artistic journey in 1991, the desire to create art that I attained soon became an unyielding obligation to myself to explore the inner mechanism of my creative consciousness. From small sketches to large scale projects, my art is a highly-personal reflection of myself.
I think what makes my art special is that I am truly pointing my focus on connecting my art with people. Maybe because of my film background, I want to think about how I can tell my client’s stories and make sure they are very satisfied with what they receive.
In terms of art, I offer at least seven different styles that can express the most accurate feeling of the subjects. These art styles include fine line art, decorative style art, detailed pencil drawing, watercolor, ink pen on handmade paper, colored pencil, and pastel art. When I see a photo, I want to think about all the different ways I can use media to express how I feel in terms of the result.
I’ve been lucky enough to have participated in many collaborative projects, as well as exhibiting in a solo capacity, which has solidified my reputation in the art world.